Thursday, May 24, 2012

All. About. Vinegar.

It is now 5:45 am. I have been up since 4:20 am.  
Two loads of laundry have been done - with another two pending.
The stairs are spotless.
The house smells relentlessly like glade fragrance mist.
Brown rice is on the stove cooking.
And I - I am miserable.

My husband and I had a very, very rude awakening this morning - In the form of well, dog poop.  Our Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy, Samson (8 Months), somehow decided that instead of waking us up to let us know he had a bad case of the runs - it was a MUCH better idea to jump in bed with us and just let things, um, happen naturally.

So we awake to soaked sheets, stained carpets, soiled floors and an unbearable stench.  This case was SO bad that he literally could not hold it all the way from upstairs, down the stairs, through the kitchen, the sun room, and over the back deck. I simply could not believe my eyes. 

GROSS, right!? SO gross.  

Now comes to humor. While I strip the sheets off the bed, and wrap everything tightly to bring to the laundry room... I notice it soaked through the sheets and on to our memory foam mattress. Great, we aren't going back to bed now. But how to clean it? We are out of carpet cleaner (plus I HATE the smell). Then it occurred to me - duh! Vinegar! I come downstairs to find my hubby cleaning the stairs and floors with my trusty vinegar solution. It is my baby. I use it on literally everything. And a fight ensues. It was probably the stupidest and funniest fight ever - I wanted my vinegar for the bed and carpet and he wanted it for the floors!. You would think it was liquid gold the way we were sleepily arguing over it:

"I need to vinegar for the bed and carpet"
"well, I need it for the floors!"
"You can clean the floors with anything - I need it for the bed before the smell sets in!"
"Go make another bottle, this one is mine! I need it!"
"I don't want another bottle - I want THAT one - it's premixed!"

After waiting the what seemed like an hour (really was three minutes) for him to finish, I went to clean. And what do you know - It worked better than anything I could have ever imagined. 

And the first thing I could think of to do while the dog sits  miserable on the back deck, the husband is crashed out on the couch - and I prepare to make Samson some 'binding' brown rice and egg breakfast - blog about my love for vinegar.

I switched almost completely to baking soda and vinegar products a month and a half ago. It's worked like a dream. here are the best uses - and recipes for using it to clean your whole home, use in the laundry, use for outside.. etc. etc. Thanks to pinterest, I will never go back to strong smelling, cancer causing - dangerous chemicals. I can use this on everything and no worry about what chemicals my child may put in his mouth by licking one of the million things he licks.

My Basic Solution in a spray bottle for everything (including my granite counters and wood floors!) is:

1 Part White Distilled Vinegar
1 Part Tap Water
1 Tablespoon Dish Soap

Shake, Spray, use!
If the smell is too strong, add a few drops of an essential oil of your choosing. Lavender is a great one!

I even added some to a specific shampoo container to use for clarifying my hair! I can't believe how shiny my hair is now!

For 101 uses (plus more in the comment section!) see here:


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